Have you seen the new look of the new Infusionsoft by Keap campaign builder? It has officially been rolled out to all apps today (well, 12th June US time). I’m not a big fan of it now as it looks too busy and the curly connectors are throwing me off. The green is also too bright.
One other new thing that I noticed though (and actually got excited about) is the new goal – Email Opened. Now it’s taken years for this goal to appear in Keap when it’s been a standard in most other CRMs but I know the reason why they’re not a big fan of this. Email opens is not the best metric to gauge how effective a marketing campaign is simply because email clients/programs have tricky ways to mark an email as “opened”. Like when an email is opened via a preview pane, for example. It doesn’t mean that the recipient actually opened and read the email; they might have just been scanning through the list of emails but your email was already marked as “opened”.
Right now, I’m not very happy about the new look of the campaign builder but I’m still a big fan of this tool! I hope it doesn’t take me a long time to get used to it.